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Internships: Rule of Law

  • Rule of Law interns facilitate programming currently in Bangladesh, Guatemala, and Liberia, to ensure that all citizens — including women and other marginalized populations — can enjoy their fundamental human rights of access to information and justice.

    Rule of Law interns facilitate programming currently in Bangladesh, Guatemala, and Liberia, to ensure that all citizens — including women and other marginalized populations — can enjoy their fundamental human rights of access to information and justice.


The Rule of Law Program works to advance good governance and build trust to transform lives through enhanced accountability, transparency, inclusive access to information (ATI) and access to justice (ATJ). These fundamental human rights serve as the cornerstone of democracy, accountability, and meaningful citizen participation. The Rule of Law team partners with government and civil society in diverse regional contexts to engage innovative programming to ensure that information and justice are accessible to even the most disadvantaged populations, particularly women. Interns working with Rule of Law will play an active role in helping to ensure that projects meet expected deliverables and have sustainable, positive impact.

Examples of Rule of Law work include:

• Supporting government and civil society to apply creative solutions to overcome obstacles facing women in the exercise of the right to information in Bangladesh, Guatemala, Liberia, and Sierra Leone

• Influencing the international agenda to more explicitly secure the right of access to information for women through an emphasis on local service provision and women’s empowerment as part of the Center’s Inform Women, Transform Lives global campaign in 24 cities around the globe

• Strengthening accountability and transparency in the justice and security sectors of Liberia and Costa Rica, with potential expansion to other countries/regions

• Advancing implementation of ATI legislation through the Center's own Implementation Assessment Tool around the globe

• Improving an understanding of legal foundations of elections and best practices in accountability and election-related litigation in the U.S.

• Strengthening the capacity of local and national leaders to increase awareness of citizen rights in the formal justice system, improve administration of justice, and advance access to justice in their respective countries and regions

• Providing free legal information and dispute resolution services

• Contributing scholarship and serving as a resource on accountability, transparency, good governance, and access to information and justice for the global community of practice

Number of Interns per Semester: 3-4

Expected Projects

• Conduct applied research to inform project development/implementation as directed

• Monitor and report on select countries and regions

• Assist with data collection, organization, and input as necessary

• Contribute to websites, publications, blogs, and reports

• Prepare briefing materials and serve as a rapporteur for meetings and conferences

• Assist in planning and executing project objectives

Preferred Qualifications

• Excellent written and verbal English skills

• Background in political science, international studies/development, public administration, law, or gender studies

• Current law students who have completed at least one semester of full-time study by the internship start date desired, but not required

• Experience with qualitative and/or quantitative research and data collection, entry, and analysis

• Foreign language skills (particularly Spanish, Bangla, and French) desired, but not required

• Working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Teams; Zoom; Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms

• High degree of organization, attention to detail, and skill at prioritizing and managing multiple tasks

• Ability to work both independently and as part of a team in a deadline-driven environment

Interested in applying for an internship in the Center's Rule of Law Program? View application deadlines »

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Internship Deadlines

Spring 2025
Application Deadline: Oct. 14, 2024
Start Date (Orientation): Jan. 14, 2025

Summer 2025
Application Opens: Early January 2025
Applications Deadline: March 3, 2025
Start dates: May 20, 2025 or May 27, 2025

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